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이름 Jacklynn 이메일 dzoth4n7326@gmail.com
작성일 16.05.25 조회수 2120

I'm a lot like laarimre!It depends. I tend to avoid books that I know don't end well; I'm a real wimp that way.Then again - I read Bel Canto earlier this year. I had no idea how it ended and when I got to the end, I wept. Buckets. I was not happy, either, that I grown so vested in these characters and then...BUT. Since then, I've thought of that book so often. It was beautiful. It's probably one of the best I've read this year. Not one of my very favorites because of the ending, but one of the best.
이전글 mBDhSZrrALhuj
다음글 tELiZAshlQmgRLfS